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Code Analysis for Enterprise Legacy Application Modernization

Niraj Patpatia105 viewsReading Time: 4 minutes
Apr 22, 2022

Technological advances occur so fast that the changes brought to the current business ecosystem demand that companies, if they want to survive, must – continuously, swiftly and decisively – adopt new methods and mechanisms. One of the most important issues an organization must address in order to stay relevant today, is Legacy Application Modernization. But what exactly is Legacy Application Modernization?

Your business is not the same as it was some years ago and neither is the digital context in which it exists. Maybe when you were starting you had installed up-to-date systems and software but with time, these systems and applications became…legacy; and at some point, legacy became…burden. The moment technology turns into legacy, is the moment when modernization must take place. Application modernization is a key process and code analysis is one of the most useful tools to materialize it!

Digital transformation and your organization’s application modernization is not an option. It is a vital demand that guarantees integration into today’s world. It is not a coincidence that 98% of businesses expect to Gain Value from Ecosystem Integration and 63% Say Legacy Applications are Their Biggest Integration Challenge. Growth is (or should be) a natural tendency for every enterprise. Failure to follow the evolutional wave will result to be costly and disruptive.

Legacy Systems will, at some point, affect every business’ continuity and reliability. Out of date applications are a restraint, they will slow you down and ultimately will stop you.

The Drawbacks of Legacy Systems

  • Complications

To use and work with Legacy systems is hard, if not impossible. The technology used when your systems were built is most probably not supported anymore. To expect smooth operation of your IT department will be an unfulfilled wish. Your IT department will be facing – non-stop – technical glitches.

  • Limited Possibilities

Alignment with the latest technology is essential. If not, your programming processes will be stagnated and access to new complex and useful applications will be prohibited by your legacy systems.

  • Slow

Your enterprise will become slow. Your people will be constantly trying to solve small or bigger issues. This takes time. You will lack functionality and any development processes will not be… an option. Moreover, the low number of existing legacy specialists won’t help either.

  • Lagging Low-Performing Systems

Your technology won’t be supported. Bugs and security issues will only add to your costs and will cause reliability issues. Your existing systems will take you to a digital wasteland.

  • Elevated Costs

Software developers apart from being difficult to find, are also expensive. You might need to call for help from an HR agency. The recruitment will take time (which means more money lost) and when it will be over, the developers you will hire, will be seniors, a fact that makes them even more expensive. It is the axiom of supply and demand; low number of developers the higher the cost added in your balance sheets…

This is why you should immediately start studying the latest enterprise legacy system modernization approaches and strategies and focus exclusively on its benefits.

  • Cost Reduction

Access to cloud-based solutions and a quicker diagnosis process will reduce costs. Modern systems will also allow you to re-architect your legacy code with open-source programming languages. Your IT processes will be optimized and now, you will not need senior specialists to write code.

  • Enhanced Business Agility

You will gain agility and efficiency; higher scalability. Modernized systems will better place you in the market. The client flow will surely augment. You will feel connected again.

  • Better Team Performance & Productivity

Through cloud computing, better development tools and sophisticated technology the efficiency of day-to-day activities will improve. Productivity will rise. The departments of your organization will cover easier their different needs (one particular team may require more storage space, while another may have faster processing needs). Modernized legacy systems are highly flexible and will function perfectly in variable conditions. Even remote work will be more functional and secure! Nowadays this is crucial!

  • Improved Compliance and Customer Support

Non-compliance to regulations cost companies millions of dollars. Deliver top-notch services while adhering to the standard software compliance is a great advantage!

Features like real-time data entry, advanced encryption, improved project tracking, the capacity to update logs and reports from anywhere and at any time, will not only contribute to an easier compliance to regulations, but to reduced risks and an overall better customer support as well.

  • Security

We kept it for the end but it is most probably the number one reason to proceed to the so much needed legacy modernization. No need for further explanation!

Moving towards Application Modernization – Your Options!

  1. Re-architecting
  2. Re-building


  1. Replacing

Re-architecting will not cost you as much and all risks taken will remain at a medium level. Rebuilding or replacing will offer you the best results but with higher risks costs. As always, consider all the options and identify the desired effect you are looking for. With a sincere and introspective vision define your company’s exact needs and then choose, combining the minimum effort and cost with the maximum positive impact.

Code Analysis

Simply put, Code Analysis is the analysis of source code without performing actual program execution. Obvious or underlying vulnerabilities and functional errors (to already deployed or about to deploy software) will surface! Code Analysis is the best way to trace your well-hidden weaknesses and problems. Traditional testing is limited, and will possibly leave behind potential risks.

Also, risks of large system-wide failures will decrease your security levels and add an extra burden on your IT budget. With Code Analysis, size and complexity issues or possible risks of the existing source code will be evaluated and insights on potential undetected vulnerabilities will be provided.

We must keep in mind that any undetected vulnerabilities will cause problems sooner than later. To address them (late or later) will cost more than any other source code-related problem. Efficient, automated Code Analysis is capable of preventing this; offering you some peace of mind during the deployment process.

Some examples of Legacy Modernization!

Carhartt, Claro, Equinix, Goldman Sachs, Quantum Aviation Solutions (all of them leaders in their respective sectors) are just some of the examples of businesses that opted for change and  Modernization and thrived. Your organization should be an addition to that list of success!

Application Modernization will re-fresh your identity. You will see your enterprise functioning with a new-found agility and elasticity; keeping up effortlessly with today’s rhythms! Your systems will be updated and finally running in parallel with the current urgent needs and demands.

The experienced and skilful people of Uptrend Labs will advise you, guide you and work with you so that you achieve maximum growth potential by implementing modern applications and innovative IT solutions. Expect from us nothing less than a perfectly-designed digitization strategy development. Bring your business to the forefront! New benchmarks! You will not follow anymore; you will be leading.

Legacy is only good when transformed to happy memories. Tradition is valuable only when serving as a stepping stone to a promising and robust future. This is what we do here at Uptrend Labs.

Helping businesses to achieve maximum growth potential.

Legacy is only good when transformed to happy memories.

Don’t leave your applications and IT infrastructure unguarded.